Get Rid of Birds, Keep pest birds away from your home.

Many homes in the South and mid west are graced with beautiful wraparound front porches. They serve to draw friends and neighbors for long hours of conversation and relaxation. They’re also ideal for parties and other informal get-togethers. 

Trouble is, these attractive gathering places also draw pest birds. Now, most people enjoy the sounds of birds in trees, but without proper bird control, birds can take over a veranda or front porch. These architectural features often have seemingly endless nooks and crannies where birds can roost and build nests. Nothing is more irritating than discovering bird droppings on a table, chairs or glider you’ve set out on the porch or veranda. Attract enough birds and you’ll face a daily cleaning chore getting rid of bird droppings.

If you’re like most nature loving people, you won’t want to harm these birds. You just want to keep them out of your front porch and off your tables and chairs. That means you naturally object to using bird poisons and other harmful bird deterrents. The good news is, there are a number of humane and highly effective bird deterrents you can use to keep birds away from specific areas of your home.  These include:

No Nasty Nest

These hanging "twine" deterrents are ideal for keeping swallows away from common nesting areas. Birds of any kind will be reluctant to work their way past the twine strips and simply move on. If you've encountered swallow mud nests under the eaves and sides of your porch or veranda, this deterrent will keep them out. Every strip of No Nasty Nest features a self-adhesive back for quick installation on eaves, gables, entryways and other areas.

Bird Slope

These angled, slippery PVC panels deny birds a place to land. They’re easily installed under eaves and are ideal for preventing swallows from building nests. Bird slopes can be installed on almost any surface using nails, screws or glue. Bird Slope comes in a 4-foot kit that contains two 2-foot long sections of slope, two end caps and one tube of glue. Bird slope is ideal for ledges up to 6 inches wide. It also comes in several colors to blend in aesthetically with your front porch or veranda.

Hawk Decoys

Decorative and functional, Red-Tailed Hawk decoys convince birds that their natural enemy is on the premises. Place one or two in “problem areas” and birds will stay away. Perfect for use in porches and verandas, Hawk Decoys are easily placed or hung in conspicuous areas to discourage pest birds. Birds will communicate with each other and spread the word that your porch or veranda is “occupied” by a predator. Be sure to choose a high quality decoy made of heavy-duty plastic, as it will remain realistic looking after years of outdoor exposure. For best results, be sure to move the decoy around often to ensure bids don’t get used to it.

Bird barriers such as bird netting, bird spikes and electric shock systems keep pest birds from landing and roosting